Pensions Help and Divorcing Couples

We can assist you in two ways when divorcing. First of all if you can’t concur about how to divide the pensions then mediation is best. Secondly, we work with Pension specialists who are experienced in helping separating couples.

In a Divorce How Couples Can Divide Pension

Need to agree around the pension pot as part of the divorce?

Not sure where you stand?

Success rates – Keeping you in control and out of court

Capitol Family Mediation is the perfect choice

Pension Pot Download

Pensions - What You Need To Know

There are a lot of things in life that could go wrong. No one can have full control over their own life.

Because of unforeseen circumstances, relationships do break. When everything fails to resolve the differences between the couples, the inevitable step is the separation.

However, divorce is not only an emotional issue but also a financial issue. So, before making any decision about going for the divorce, you should consider the financial aspect as well.

Splitting of the pensions can be done in several ways. Thus, it is always better to understand what will be good for you before taking the final step.

You need to begin the work by making a list of the pensions, which you and your ex-spouse currently have. Make a copy of every scheme you have. This may include a personal pension scheme, schemes you have opt for through your career, and the additional pension of the state (excluding the basic pension scheme of the state).

How the things will get divided will depend on your location or the place where you are getting the divorce in the United Kingdom.

The court is the only authorised body to give legal orders for pensions sharing. But, if you and your spouse can settle the matter outside the court then you can split the pension without the intervention of the court. These matters are very complicated. Thus, it would be wise to seek help from a financial adviser or a solicitor before you take any step.

Dissolving of marriage is not only a legal or emotional matter; it is also a financial matter. In this scenario, the role of a financial adviser becomes so very important when you and your spouse are looking to split your pensions. They provide the proper guidance and advice when it comes to pension splitting between the spouses.


Consulting a Mediator Can Help

Capitol Mediation as a Solution

The mediator plays a pivotal role in getting both the parties involved in the divorce matter to the same table. The mediator communicates with another party in order to arrange an introductory meeting between the parties, which is the first step towards the peaceful conclusion of the matter.

We understand that disputes inside a family can have an adverse effect on many people.

Our mediators also help the family members of the couple who are seeking divorce to get over the trauma of the whole issue. We know that great families constitute great societies.

Also, children can get affected severely and become the first casualty of this dreadful situation. Children may get negative emotions about any of their parents, which are absolutely not called for at the time of their upbringing.

Capitol Family Mediation, provide trained mediators who have the knowledge of handling such sensitive issues carefully. We look to bring the families out of such distressed situations and bring smiles to their faces.

Another aspect of marriage dissolution, apart from the emotional part, is the financial aspect.

Capitol Family Mediation, will provide qualified and well-trained financial advisers to settle the financial dispute between the spouses involved in the divorce.

Our financial adviser trained mediators will make sure the financial differences get sorted out in an organised manner.

Understanding of how the pension could be divided is a complicated thing.

If you look to do it all by yourself then there will be an occasion where confusions and complications may arise.

This could worsen the already bad relationship with your would-be ex-spouse. We all know that taking any financial decisions in a controversial environment could elevate the already existing problem.

That is where we, Capitol Family Mediation, come to your aid. We provide you financial advisers who have prior experience of handling such issues.

Our well-trained and qualified financial advisers will make sure that your financial issue gets resolved in a peaceful and swift manner.

We also assist the couple in legal matters surrounding the pension division.

Our advisers don’t take extra charge for this help. Remember, our main motto is not making money, but assist you so that you and your would-be ex-spouse can get over from this traumatic situation as early as possible.

We, at Capitol Family Mediation, will compare thousands of other pensions so that the couples could get the best possible product.

We thrive on providing full administered service for all those couples who are looking to get separated.

Our company make their process of splitting up smoother so that in future, there will be no tensions amongst them.